School Dog

Having a school dog is simply the best!
Pippa is a loving, affectionate, and gentle Miniature Goldendoodle and she is based at Middlefield Primary Academy every day. Miss Burnett takes Pippa home every evening.
She has become a valued member of the school community with children in EYFS right through to Year 6. Parents and carers love to say hello to her too.
Pippa goes out with different members of staff for regular interventions with children across the school building on social skills, developing self-esteem and responsibility and spends time in classes with the children.
Pippa has been beneficial for all children but particularly our more vulnerable children who are rewarded with positive behaviours and learning with Pippa time. She goes on regular walks with some of our children and we have seen some vast improvements in behaviour, social skills and development and confidence. She has also brought a lot of joy to children who do not have a pet at home and always makes people smile.
A new picture of Pippa is published every week on the Head’s newsletter and she even has her picture on the staff notice board!
Pippa has not only benefited the well-being of the children at school but also some of the staff members who love a cuddle. We have been really pleased with the impact of having a dog in school so far and look forward to seeing this journey continue.