EYFS - Attenborough
Welcome to EYFS
You will find all kinds of information on our class page, including: class updates, pictures and details about all of our learning. Keep an eye out for new updates throughout the year.
Key information:
At school your child needs - a water bottle, sun hat (for the summer sunshine), warm coat, hat, gloves and scarf (for the winter cold), wellies in a bag, a coat, a book bag and a P.E. kit. Please ensure that all of your children's items are clearly named.
EYFS will have PE on Fridays. Please send your child into school on Friday in their full school uniform and have them bring in their PE kit. They will get changed during the school day.
We also communicate regularly through Class Dojo so please ensure to check this regularly. You will be notified of any updates from us and will get the opportunity to look at your child's learning journey.
Click on the tabs below for further information.