How to Help Your Child at Home and useful websites
Home learning is an opportunity for parents to be directly involved in their child's learning.
The frequency and length of tasks varies according to the needs and age of the children and will not necessarily be of a 'pencil and paper' nature. We aim to make activities relevant and worthwhile. We know that many children take part in a wide range of activities outside school from swimming lessons to dancing! We wholeheartedly recognise the value of these activities and want children of primary school age to have time to enjoy them.
What you might expect your child to do at home:
Year R - share books for enjoyment, practise letter sounds, simple spelling and number facts.
Y1/2 - read at least five times per week, practise spellings on Spelling Shed, learn number bonds (e.g. 3+7=10, 13-9=4) and complete maths homework (see below for 1 minute maths).
Y3-6 - read at least five times per week, practise spellings, achieve instant recall of multiplication facts to 12 x 12, complete maths (see below for My Maths and TT Rockstars) / English homework and complete a project linked to the class topic three or fours times per year.
My Maths (KS2): Every week, Year 3,4,5 and 6 are expected to complete 45 minutes of My Maths (
"Children may believe they’re playing maths games, but really they’re receiving one-to-one tuition with the best tutor in town - one with proven results, designed by expert educationalists, and the ability to adapt to your child’s needs and pace-of learning - all with the aim of boosting confidence, making maths fun, and ultimately accelerating learning!"
TT Rockstars (KS2): Alongside MathsWhizz, the children are asked to complete 15 mintues of TT Rockstars every week (
"In either paper form or online, Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice. This format has very successfully boosted times tables recall speed for hundreds of thousands of pupils over the last 8 years in over 14,000 schools - both primary and secondary - worldwide."
1 minute maths (KS1): KS1 are asked to complete 15 minutes of 1MM a week. 1-minute maths offers children engaging and easily accessible practice in basic number.
Numbots (KS1 optional extra): KS1 are asked to complete 15 minutes of Numbots per week.
NumBots is an online game and playing little and often will significantly improve your child's recall and understanding of number bonds and addition and subtraction facts. These are critical foundations in maths so we are excited by the impact NumBots will have.
Maths Calculation: Please look at our 'Policies' to find our Maths Calculation progression documents. (
Handwriting: We follow the Twinkl handwriting scheme. Please click on the documents below to see the examples.
Here is a list of some other websites that you may find helpful:
Oxford Owl is an award-winning free website with 250 FREE tablet-friendly eBooks and activities to help you support children’s learning. Now it is even better, with dedicated areas for school and for home.
This site is just one of the many teaching resources sites on the Internet. It contains a bank of free, ready to use ideas, resources, worksheets and lesson plans.
Games and resources to support the learning of phonics.
255 free educational, interactive teaching resources and activities for Primary Schools. 84 free to use fun children’s games/activities for children aged 4 - 11. 165 plus links to free interactive teaching activities, educational games, image and software resources.
Helping teachers and parents save time finding excellent online educational resources.
Maths games for children.