Welcome to the Middlefield Primary Academy Local Governing Body
The board of governors exists to:
Put in place the long term vision and strategic direction of the school
Monitor the educational performance of the school and its pupils
Oversee the financial performance of the school and ensure that money is well spent
Our role is to ensure that the Middlefield constantly and consistently delivers on its visions and values: essentially, to ensure that every child achieves the highest possible standards through our relentless focus on high quality teaching and learning. Further information about the school’s visions and values can be found on the website.
The board of governors also oversees admission, staff employment and buildings management.
Pecuniary Interests Register
Dear Middlefield parents,guardian and community,
My name is Becky Richards and I am your Chair of Governors for this wonderful school! I joined the board as a Community Governor in 2024 and took over the role of Chair in February 2025. I feel extremely privileged to work alongside a committed and dedicated team of staff and governors to ensure that your children receive a positive and ambitious learning experience. I very much look forward to meeting you at future events however, in the meantime, I hope the information below helps give insight into the role of the local governing body and the work that we do to support Mrs Besant, her leadership team and the Diamond Learning Partnership leadership team in the journey to providing each pupil with academic and personal aspirations to be the best they can be.
If you are interested in becoming a governor or would like further information about the role, please feel free to contact me by email or leave a message with the school office.
Best regards
Becky Richards
Chair of Governors
Governance Overview:
There is a legal requirement to have a Local Governing Board overseeing the school and ensuring proper management of the School as part of the larger DLPT Trust management process. The board has a strategic responsibility. The operational (day to day) management of the school is the responsibility of the school’s leadership team
and the Diamond Learning Partnership leadership team. Being a governor is an unpaid, volunteer role and individuals normally sign up for a 4-year term of office. This can be extended but ideally our governors will change over time to allow different parents and community members to opportunity to get involved and bring a different perspective.
The board of governors has 3 core functions:
• Put in place the long term vision and strategic direction of the school
• Monitor the educational performance of the school and its pupils
• Oversee the financial performance of the school and ensure that money is well spent
To achieve these areas, the board needs to:
• Understand the school’s strategic priorities for development and improvement and work with the Head of School and other LGB members to achieve them.
• To act as a critical friend, providing the Head Teacher with support and to offer support and sometimes challenge.
• To ensure accountability and to monitor and evaluate how the school is progressing against its development plan, but also in terms of student achievement targets
• Oversee admission, staff employment and buildings management.
• Ensure that the Middlefield constantly and consistently delivers on its visions and values: essentially, to ensure that every child achieves the highest possible standards through our relentless focus on high quality teaching and learning.
Meetings and Visits:
A governor is required to attend at least 3 LGB meetings a year but in reality the role requires more than that in order to really have an impact on the school and student outcomes. All of the governors attend school as part of a program of link visits which are designed to review and evidence how the school is implementing it’s strategic plan. The Chair of Governors meets with Mrs Besant on a monthly basis and is an opportunity for Mrs Besant to provide an update on school and student progress, and any Safeguarding Issues.
Middlefield Governors