Pupil Premium
Pupil premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities and to close the gaps between them and their peers. Alexandra Straker is the pupil premium lead at our school. If you have a question about pupil premium, please contact the school office.
Pupil premium funding is available to:
schools maintained by the local authority, including:
special schools, for children with special educational needs or disabilities
pupil referral units (PRUs), for children who can’t go to a mainstream school
academies and free schools, including:
special academies, for children with special educational needs or disabilities
alternative provision (AP) academies, for children who can’t go to a mainstream school
voluntary-sector AP, with local authority agreement
non-maintained special schools (NMSS), for children with special educational needs as approved by the Secretary of State for Education under section 342 of the Education Act 1992
Free school meals and pupil premiumwww.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/freeschoolmeals
Clip and Climb
Wow what an amazing session at Clip and Climb! We felt grateful to have been given the opportunity and practised so many skills there. The safety video required concentration, then we relayed the rules back to the staff. We then learned how to use the safety harness, and it was a great mechanism which never allowed you to climb without being fully attached (very good design!). The harness made us feel safe and we gave ourselves targets if we were nervous about climbing.
Some of us found the safety clip difficult to undo, so asked for help, and our friends were great at helping with clips and encouraging us to have a go. We cheered for our friends who find heights a bit daunting, and if a friend struggled, we rallied round and were great sports.
Some walls required a lot of concentration, and some required strength or resilience. We tested so many of these skills, and had a great experience. Some of my favourite quotes:
"I've never been a place like this before"
"Are we in London now?"
"I've never been to Cambridge"
"I don't think I like heights"
"I hope I get to go again to a place like this one day!"