Place Value Within 10
So far this term, we have been learning about all things place value for numbers up to 10! We have been investigating the value of different numbers, comparing them as numbers and amounts and even comparing using the inequality symbols!
Addition and Subtraction
We have also been improving our knowledge of addition and subtraction. We are now pros when it comes to talking about parts and the whole and we can even make part whole models in different orientations. We have also been introduced to the function symbols and have are using them in number sentences!
Taking a break from our hard work at addition and subtraction, we have moved onto some work around geometry! To start we investigated 3D shapes and thought about their different properties before showing that we could identify them ourselves! We then looked at different ways we could sort 3D shapes and where we might have seen 3D shapes being used throughout our world and day to day lives. Once we were confident with our 3D shapes, we continued the pattern onto 2D shapes, investigated ways to tell them apart and looked at similarities and differences. We also linked this to our 3D shapes knowledge by drawing around 3D shape’s faces to find hidden 2D shapes amongst them!
Outdoor Learning
This term, we have been trying to answer the learning question, ‘Where are we?’ We have investigated maps of the United Kingdom and also carried out fieldwork around the school grounds. Additionally, we have had a blast making messy maps of our classroom, drawing maps of our school, drawing simple symbols and even reflecting on our own playground and ways we can improve it.
Making Messy Maps
Finding Features
This term, we have been developing our mark making through the topic ‘Make your mark.’ We have been learning about different types of lines, how to we can create these and when it might be most useful to use them. We have also studied works of art from some famous artists, such as Bridget Riley and her work with optical illusions. Additionally, we have been experimenting with different types of art mediums such as pencil, pen and different types of pastels. Finally, we looked at how we can use these different mediums and techniques when sketching using our observation skills.
Using different art mediums