Return to school Guidance for Reception, Year 1 and Year 6
Preparing for Returning to School – Information for all Parents/Carers of Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6.
For everyone to stay safe when children return to school on June 1st, there are several things that we all need to do. I know that you have high expectations of us and how we will keep your children safe when they are in our care. We also need to rely on you to support us by taking and/or not taking certain actions.
What Middlefield School are doing to ensure that children and staff stay safe.
Arrival and Entry
- We have identified different entrances and exits for each year group.
- There are 2m markings in the playgrounds. Children will be asked to keep this distance when entering school.
- There will be staff outside to direct the children. They will not be able to chat to you. Please do not try to speak with your child’s teacher. If you need to make contact about anything, please send a message to the class teacher using class dojo or email the office.
- We have split each year into 2 groups. Each group will have a maximum of 15 children and a have a teacher and a TA. This may not be your child’s regular teacher or TA.
- There will be a different start and finish time for each group. We will write to you again with details of which group your child is in, what time they should arrive and be picked up and which entrance to use.
- Children will have their own desk and their own set of equipment. They will stay at the same desk all the time they are in school. All classrooms will be thoroughly cleaned at the end of each day.
- We respectfully ask that you strictly adhere to this to ensure that there are not too many children and parents arriving at the same time.
- We ask that parents do not hang around outside and chat, as this does not adhere to social distancing rules.
- Children will stay with the same group for all the time they spend in school. They will not be permitted to mix with other groups.
- Children will wash their hands, on arrival to school and then go straight to their allocated classroom. They will hang their coat and bag on the back of their chair.
- They will not be able to move around other than to go to the toilet or for break and lunch time.
- Classrooms will be well ventilated and there will be hand sanitiser.
- Weather permitting, teachers will use the outside spaces as much as possible.
Break and lunch time
- These will be staggered. There will not be free play. Teachers will organise structured exercise and activities within the bubble of 15.
- Children who usually bring a packed lunch will eat this in their classroom or outside.
End of day/pick up
- As for arrival times, pick up times will be staggered to prevent too many people arriving at school at the same time.
What we would like parents to do
- Please support us to keep everyone safe. This means sticking to all we are asking you to do on arrival and pick up, especially practising social distancing.
- Please talk to your children to help prepare them for returning to school. It will be different, but it will be OK!
- Please try to explain to children that they will be washing their hands lots of times and that they will be told to keep away from other children and that this is very important.
- We know from working with the children of Key Workers that this is hard for all children and especially the younger ones. Therefore, we are asking for your help.
- Make sure that if children are wearing shoes with laces, they can tie these themselves. Otherwise please do not send them with shoes that have laces.
What we would like children to do
- Wash their hands thoroughly.
- Cover their mouths when they cough or sneeze.
- Keep away from other children where possible.
- Listen carefully to staff and follow their instructions at all times.
We thank you in anticipation of your cooperation.